Recruit Substitutes for All Types of Positions

RecruitFront, a module of the SchoolFront system, is a powerful and complete web-based solution for recruiting and hiring K-12 school district employees, including teachers, instructional / non-instructional, and administrative substitutes.

Track Detailed Information About Substitutes

SchoolFront stores critical information about substitutes and uses it to instantly select and contact the best substitute for an opening.

  • Track substitute credentials and experience.

  • Track substitute date- and day-of-the-week- availability.

  • Track substitute placements and available positions.

  • “Do Not Call” and “Priority Call” lists.

Automated Substitute Contact for Open Positions

SchoolFront will instantly contact available, suitable substitutes so you don’t have to. Substitutes can accept or decline positions when contacted.

  • Substitutes can be called on the phone by SchoolFront using interactive voice response (IVR).

  • Substitutes can receive emails from SchoolFront about open positions.

  • Substitutes can login to SchoolFront to see and accept or decline available positions and manage their own credentials and availability.

Integration with SchoolFront Time & Attendance

When an employee marks themselves absent or is approved for time off in SchoolFront, SchoolFront can automatically contact available substitutes with appropriate credentials via email and telephone (IVR). Substitutes can then accept or decline available positions.